Thursday, October 8, 2009

Home Made Baby Food

Aiden is a few days shy of 4 months and we have started him on baby food. His first food was Avocado. I simply Peel and de-pit a ripe avocado, put it in the blender and puree until you reach the texture you are wanting. We gave only a small bit the first time and simply froze the remaining puree in Ice Cube Trays and when frozen I then put the cubes in a freezer bag marked the contents and date.
The Avocado was Smooth and Creamy and Aiden enjoyed every bite..

With Seamus and Jacob there was no decision over the convenience of prepared store bought baby foods. When Jacob developed allergies we started to question and look closely at the store bought items we consumed. I started to make a lot of foods from scratch, breads, sweets, and homemade meals.

So this time around with Aiden there was no question I am going to prepare all his food at home. With choosing to prepare his baby food at home I have complete control over what he is consuming, the foods will retain more nutrients, No chemicals or preservative. Also Aiden will get a taste of real foods from his first bite, less waste I will not have to throw away partially eaten jars of food. You can cook what you know your baby will eat, prolong the life of your homemade food in the freezer. Another added bonus is that it cost less to prepare baby food at home.

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