- Being a SAHM i feel that it is my responsibility to find ways to cut expenses.. Trying to find ways to make our one income go further.. I have determined that by using cloth vs disposable will save money in the long run. Making an investment go further
- GO GREEN cutting back on the amount of waste going into the landfills...
- CUTE..Have you seen the cute cloth diapers these days. We have decided to go with Pocket Diapers... I have ordered 6 small diapers from a local WAHM, who sews the diapers herself and has tried and tested her designs on her own child. I have also ordered 6 small pocket diapers from ETSY,made by moms....
I am taking a small plunge into cloth diapering... I hope that 12 cloth diapers will get me through the days with a newborn, using disposables at night while the cloth diapers are in the wash. My plan is to be cloth diapering 24/7 by the time our boy is 3 Months..
Any advice or comments on cloth diapering is greatly appreciated. I am expecting some resistance from our extended family. I will be the first to attempt the cloth diapers....
just wanted to say thanks for entering my giveaway!! cloth diapering is SO much fun. i didn't start until my youngest was three months, so i have no advice for cding a newborn. but we were cding 24/7 pretty much since we started. be sure to enter the fuzzi bunz and bummis giveaways as well!! (if you have already sorry! i just saw the wet bag one) :0) anyways thanks again. if you have questions about cding i'd love to help out and answer!! and don't worry about the 'negative' comments...most in our family had them too...until they saw just how easy it was!