Thursday, November 19, 2009

Banana + Avocado=YUM

I have been working on blending foods together for little Aiden to give him some more options in food. My first attempt was his two favorites Avocado and Banana.. Yummy.. he loves it. Back to the kitchen today to create a few more options for him..
I love making his foods for him. I love looking in the freezer and seeing the freezer bags full of yummy goodness, sweet potato, squash, pears, peas, carrots, peaches.
I am going to continue blending flavors together, one of the first things I want to do is make apple sauce, and blend flavors together with apples... the possibilities.. hahaha :)


  1. I love avocado's, but I am going to have to ponder how I would like banana in it. I am glad he loves it. Both have such great vitamins in them.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Glad he likes it. I love both of those seperately.....not sure about together though! lol


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